Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Chritmas

Its been such a wonderful, crazy christmas! Here are some of the highlights of the week:

*We had snow and rich enjoyed playing with claire and giving rides on the snow mobile.

*Everyone ate LOTS and LOTS of ice cream and pie left over from the wedding.

*We read the christmas story from the scriptures and sang wonderful christmas songs.

*I had fun making stick horses for the grandkids...

*We enjoyed the CRAZY with all the family and Scott rubbed out his contact christmas morning and AMAZINGLY we found it under the pile of blankets, toys and rapping paper AND I got it back into his eye in only about 5 minutes.

*We love having kids during the holidays, its so much fun to see their faces light up!

*We had a lot of fun making magnets of all the grandkids, all 23 kids look so cute up there!

*Scott weened himself and is still having trouble getting over his ear infections. Poor kid, we will probably have to take him back in when we get home. He at least sleeps some while not being held now. Claire also woke up with a fever last night. These poor kids!!!

*David went through the temple while we were in Idaho! We are excited for his mission.

*We drove back to my parents which was actually rather uneventful only some snow and ice and pretty happy kids. I think they enjoyed the quiet and sleep. :)

*James and Saisha went through the temple when we got back to oregon. James reports to the MTC wednesday! I can't believe it! We are so excited for him. He is going to las vegas. Saisha got her call to Rich's mission in St. Lois.

*Spent a night at the beach house with all of my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings playing games, doing white elephant exchange, eating good food and catching up.

*Rich made a cards and marbles game board and we played and played and played. Good job Rich!

*Spent time with Jeff, Alicia and Harley before they headed back to Texas. We were sad to see them go.

*Took Reaser family photos with all of the siblings before James leaves.

*Scott lost his contact a second time at the beach house and a third time at church (which we did not find) Now we are headed back into portland to get a new one today.

All in All it was a great christmas. Exhausting but a lot of fun. Now on to more fun.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Daniel & Becca's Wedding

We have been in Idaho since last friday. Its been so much fun spending time with family and celebrating Daniel and Becca's wedding. Its been crazy with all the cousins running around. Especially with these 3 two year old girls. 

Scott started getting a little grumpy on our drive and by the time we got to the house Scott was being Really grumpy. He had a hard couple days till I finally took him to the doctor Tuesday.  He has a bad double ear infection. Poor boy! I wish I had taken him earlier. Its sunday and now he is finally acting more himself. Im so glad I had ALL the help from everyone. 

The wedding was great! Here is the Happy Couple! Isn't Becca beautiful?!

Scott was so wore out...

I made the cake for the reception and had a lot of fun with it. Thanks too all the help from everyone!

Now on too Christmas and LOTS more fun!

Our Little girl is 2!

I am SO very proud of Claire this week! She is getting to be such a grown up girl. Every morning she looks and acts a little older.

Claire is doing very well in her big girl bed now. Good Job Claire! We also celebrated Claire's 2nd birthday a couple weeks early while we were at grandma and grandpas Reaser's for thanksgiving. Claire LOVED it! She had so much fun blowing out her candles and was so excited to eat her elmo cupcakes. Its so much fun seeing her personality. Thanks for making mommy so happy Claire.

I also enjoyed doing a little photo shoot of claire. She is so adorable! 

On her birthday we had a little party and a couple friends over. I let claire roam walmart and pick out her treat. She choose drumstick ice cream cones. (strawberry ones covered in nuts!) she loved it. 

Happy Birthday Claire. You are such a wonderful 2 year old little (BIG) girl.

We have a crawler/ Trouble Maker!

Yep, our little man is officially crawling now. He started about a week ago and is getting a lot faster! He is 7 and a half months and getting into everything. Its so much fun to watch him explore. He really thinks he is a big kid, just like claire!