Sunday, January 20, 2013

Just another week and Picture overload...

Its been another week of crazy fun, learning and playing with the kiddos. Claire is getting so big and so much hair that I have no idea what to do with! I've realized how little I know about doing little girls hair! No matter how crazy the hair she is always cute!

This weekend we went to my parents for yet another eye appointment for scott. His eye is doing great and the doctor said we couldn't be doing any better! wahooo... so now we are finally don't have to go back till right before his first birthday! The glasses also seem to help a lot to keep scott from rubbing out his contact!

Claire is so fast it is amazing when I get a picture of her not blurry and running away! And when she looks at the camera its a miracle! Look at that crazy hair. Her new thing is counting to three! 

We have a lot of this going on.... and some teeth marks on scotts glasses but he is getting better at keeping them on. 

He is so cute!

Claire is finally herself again!!!! So excited. Poor girl was sick for so long. She loves being at grandma (g-ma) and grandpa's (papa) house! 

I love my kiddos....

Scott thinks he is grown up just like claire and has to do everything like her. Its fun to watch how closely they look at the things the other does. This week I gave both them a popsicle and left the room. When I walked back in they were giggling and sword fighting with them! SOOOOO CUTE!

 Playing with mommy while daddy was at school! 

Rich had another good week at school. His classes are a little harder this semester and has more credits so its going to be a crazy semester. Good luck handsome! 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our little four eyes

Our little boy grew up so much this week! He got his first pair of big boy glasses! I think he is the cutest little boy in the whole world! He is really good about keeping them on sometimes and other times they come off every 2 minutes. I also can't believe how fast they get covered in drool, food, dirt and little fingerprints!

Scott has only been in his glasses for a couple days but I have noticed a difference in how he acts. They only have a low prescription for him to wear over his contact but I think it makes a big difference. He has become this crazy wild child. Such a little boy. He gets into everything and anything and almost instantly started climbing. Ohh boy.....

So far. we have not lost another contact! Wahooo...

He does better than expected with the patch and glasses. 

Look... no hands mom!

Play time with Emma... Our friend who had a corneal transplant and now struggles with glaucoma

Its been an interesting experience having an infant with eye problems. The looks and questions we get when we go out. I don't think many people think about getting there kids eyes checked at a young age. More kids have eye problems than you would think. I recently joined a group called little four eyes. Its a group for people with children in glasses from all around the world. Its been fun to hear the stories from all the other families. Most of them dealing with a lazy eye or near-sidedness but a couple with children with cataracts.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

We've been infected by the plague...

We finally made it back to Eugene after a crazy blur of sickness, running to the eye doctor because Scott lost his 4th contact in a week and then to the kiddos doctor to get a new antibiotic for scott's ear infection. Hopefully this one works this time! We also had Scott fitted for glasses yesterday! He is going to be one handsome baby boy!

It feels like we have had sick kids forever! Lucky us, they decided to share, now all of us are sick. Hopefully we will be better by monday since rich has a class and we need some sleep!

In other news... Elder Reaser reported to the MTC! YAY! We will miss him but are really excited for him.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The best 4 years!

This week we celebrated our 4 year anniversary! Rich and I went out to see the hobbit and out to eat at olive garden. We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed a break from the sick kids. 

I feel so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. He makes me so happy! 

I Love you handsome man! I look forward to the years to come....