Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our little four eyes

Our little boy grew up so much this week! He got his first pair of big boy glasses! I think he is the cutest little boy in the whole world! He is really good about keeping them on sometimes and other times they come off every 2 minutes. I also can't believe how fast they get covered in drool, food, dirt and little fingerprints!

Scott has only been in his glasses for a couple days but I have noticed a difference in how he acts. They only have a low prescription for him to wear over his contact but I think it makes a big difference. He has become this crazy wild child. Such a little boy. He gets into everything and anything and almost instantly started climbing. Ohh boy.....

So far. we have not lost another contact! Wahooo...

He does better than expected with the patch and glasses. 

Look... no hands mom!

Play time with Emma... Our friend who had a corneal transplant and now struggles with glaucoma

Its been an interesting experience having an infant with eye problems. The looks and questions we get when we go out. I don't think many people think about getting there kids eyes checked at a young age. More kids have eye problems than you would think. I recently joined a group called little four eyes. Its a group for people with children in glasses from all around the world. Its been fun to hear the stories from all the other families. Most of them dealing with a lazy eye or near-sidedness but a couple with children with cataracts.


  1. He looks so cute with his glasses, and even with all the fingerprints, etc., it is great that you can tell he sees better!

  2. Scott is rocking those glasses! Such a cutie.
